Thursday, October 24, 2013

Popular Christmas Accoutrements: Horse Head Mask

Why do you suppose accoutrements such as the horse head mask are so popular?  This thing has been on the Amazon hot picks for quite a while and is one of the more popular items.  Go figure, you never can tell from year to year what will be hot.

Maybe it's for Halloween but I think this thing is going to be popular for a while.  But still...a horse head! Whatever would you do with it?  Stick it under someone's bedding like in the Godfather movie?

Would love to hear from you why this thing is so popular.  Let's take a closer look at it.

Horse Head...Exposed!

This latex mask is getting all kinds of rave reviews, and it's not because it's particularly attractive.  Does that make it a great Christmas present for your boyfriend?  It certainly is a way to get him to go incognito should he need to meet your parents (hey, it's not an a** so dad can't say anything, right?)

Almost cult-like, this mask will completely cover your head and actually doesn't smell too bad, once it airs out from the packaging.  With a one size fits all approach, anyone will be able to wear it.  NOTE: there is a warning stating that it is a choking hazard for small children so please be mindful of that.

Where He Can Wear His Mask

The mask has been seen galloping from bar to bar, from school to school, and even loping merrily down the local mall (OK, I made that last one up).  Who knows, maybe Santa will decorate his sleigh this year and get a new head for each of his reindeer.

WARNING: not for drivers...but definitely a hoot for everyone else to wear when you're out cruising on a Saturday night.  Even better if you're in a car your friends don't recognize.

ANOTHER WARNING: do not attempt to eat or drink while wearing.  "Hay", maybe poke a small hole for a straw (especially useful at parties).

This is a natural for Halloween but with it's popularity, the horse's head has become popular all year round and is sure to be a real "barn burner" at every party every night.

So if you're looking to get your boyfriend hitched up with the cool herd then this might be a great way to help him out.

LAST WARNING: it's recommended that you aren't seen running off into the sunset with this bunch.

If you're interested in getting your beau a new look then check this mask out.  The Amazon Horse Head Mask has become a particular favorite and they do have different options.  Happy shopping, I think.

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