Sunday, October 20, 2013

Christmas Gifts Men Can Read Or Play

Us guys often have the latest electronic toys and gadgets but did you ever consider Christmas gifts that men can read or play?  Not everything has to come with buttons and gears...sometimes you can add to what they have by giving them books, games, or even software, to name a few.

Why not give your guy...boyfriend, spouse, brother and, yes, even your dad...things to do with the toys he already has?  HINT: by paying attention now to what they like to read or play you will have plenty of time before Christmas to find that one thing that you just know will make him say, "Best Christmas ever!"

Lets quickly review a few of the options you have just to get you going.

Nothing Like A Good Book

There are so many great selections for us guys.  I'm a fan of the good old Western with Louis L'Amour topping the list with the Sacketts topping that list.  I shouldn't admit this but the majority of his books, although they are quick-draw and toughest man in nature, are also romance books in their own right.  They're just not advertised as such because men like action books; which usually involves mayhem and killing. I wouldn't recommend historical romance for your guy :)

There are other great genres as well: science fiction, adventure, sports...these are examples of books targeted at men.  And if you recognize a theme with the movies that guys like to watch then congratulations, you clearly understand the male mind.

Movies or TV Series

Just like with their books, guys like action and adventure movies.  SECRET: guys often see themselves as the hero who cannot be beaten and will win against all odds...even if that means he has to kill everybody (except you, of course).

If you're ever curious to see this in action, go watch inside a multi-theater complex and watch to see where the guys go: if they're with their buddies it's to the action movies, if they're with their significant other it's the chick flick.  This will also give you ideas of the type of movie to get your guy this Christmas.

There are also many television series that you can look at getting him this Christmas.  Whether it's the new Doctor Who, the blonde Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or the psychotic Dexter, boxed TV series are a great buy and is something that will take him a few months (maybe a weekend) because they can get season on one DVD.

Computer and Video Games

Whether he has an Xbox One Console or any other device, getting him extra games is always a "game-winner" (just make sure he doesn't have it yet).  Does he like "Call of Duty", Halo, or professional sport games like the NBA, the NFL, the MLB or NASCAR (ask him what all the acronyms mean)?  

Know your guy...know his game...and Christmas will be successful!

There might also be computer games or other software that he may really need (yes, that means want).  Have you considered such things as Photoshop, Microsoft upgrades, or even computer training?  There are many choices with these and they will certainly help him with his online endeavors, whether that's for business or personal use.

Have you noticed I've stayed away from electronic hardware?  OK, I mentioned the Xbox, but that was only as an example of something you can accessorize.  You can read more about my electronic and other recommendations here.

Has this given you some other ideas for Christmas 2013 for your guy?  Leave me a message if you have more suggestions or have a question.

Happy shopping!

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