Thursday, November 14, 2013

Christmas Gift Ideas Men Will Drool Over

Us guys really aren't that complicated, we don't like instructions, and we like to think we know it all.  So if you need Christmas gift ideas men will drool over then you have come to the right place.

Want to hear it from the horse's mouth?  Check out the posts here and you will quickly see that this dad knows what your boyfriend wants...and that are dad-approved!  And BTW, the idea here is to keep your guy from drooling over you; the thought of such a thing is why us dad's have such a bad rap when it comes to any guy thinking that he is good enough for "daddy's little girl".

So the goal here is to provide you with gift ideas for him that keeps his mind off of you (yeah, right dad!)

My Tongue-In-Cheek Ideas

Somewhere out there I know that there are guys that actually enjoy cooking, cleaning, decorating, and even gardening.  If you have a boyfriend like this then it might be useful to check out some home, kitchen and garden gifts for him.

Not only are these great gifts but you can also figure out if this guy is "husband material" (yes, I said that out loud) by making sure that he knows now, or is willing to learn, how to properly cook, clean, and make things beautiful.  It's really not just up to you ladies to do this.

Another great idea would be anything pet related.  Did you know that you can tell a lot about a guy by the way he treats animals or if he even has his own pet?  It's a great way to see how he will be with you.  BTW, I believe all daughters should have dogs and if the dog likes the guy then he might just be the one.

OK, Let's Get Real!

Domestic and pet gifts are fine and certainly safe ideas if you know you want to get him something but don't want it to scream "I really like you".

But if you really want to get his ever-lovin' love then don't ignore those great electronic gifts.  These are the "drool-factor" when it comes to getting your boyfriend the best gift that will also make you the most popular with his friends.

And don't ignore the great deals coming up with Black Friday.  These are worth a surf if anything is.  Check out some of these great ideas Amazon has:

Shop Amazon - Countdown to Black Friday Deals Week in Laptops

Hope this has given you a few ideas.  Enjoy shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Website link Update here: for Best Gifts for Men Thanks! for Best Gifts for Men
